Original knitting patterns

  Selected Yarns

  Knitting advice: info@strickmich-shop.de

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Strickmich! Shop is closed. Download your PDF now.

After 10 years we had to close our online shop at the end of 2024. Thank you for shopping with us!

Please find Martina Behm's knitting patterns on Ravelry, where she will continue to offer her creative work.

If you have any questions about Martina's knitting patters, please write to mail(at)strickmich.de 

If you have purchased knitting patterns as PDF downloads in the past here in Strickmich! Shop, please download them now as they will only be available for a short time. This is how to do it:

Log into your customer account here: https://www.strickmich-shop.de/en/account/login

Navigate to your orders by clicking in the left menu on "orders". You will see an overview of your orders. Please expand any order with a PDF download by clicking on "view" in the bottem right corner of the order. The order expands and you can find the download links under "Downloads" right in the order details. 

If you cannot find orders with download products, you either chose not to open a customer account or ordered the PDF in our old shop system before 2021. In this case, download is no longer possible. Please note that we have provided you with a PDF version at the time of purchase and do not guarantee a storage and later download option. Therefore, please save any PDF pattern file on your system for you to have continued access to it.
